Tuesday, May 18, 2010

displays the updated blog in the sidebar on WPMU

lets try this new trict, How to displays the updated blog on WPMU, place this code in the sidebar.php or anything you want  to place it.

<!--added by myDeveLover--><div class="sidebarbox">
  <h4><span>Blog Terupdate</span></h4>
  <?php $blogs = get_last_updated();
  if( is_array( $blogs ) ) { ?>
    <?php foreach( $blogs as $details ) {
    <a href="http://<?php echo $details[ 'domain' ] . $details[ 'path' ] ?>" title="<?php echo get_blog_option( $details[ 'blog_id' ], 'blogdescription' )?>">
    <?php echo get_blog_option( $details[ 'blog_id' ], 'blogname' ) ?></a>
    } ?>
  <?php } ?>
</div><!--//end by myDeveLover-->

comment is welcome...

Friday, May 14, 2010


PHP supports OOP starting version 5, which had a new form object modeling to overcome the complexity problem that can not be done on the previous version. PHP 5 provides better performance and new features compared to previous versions.

1. Class
Each pendefinisain / declaration of a class in PHP using a class that followed the class name, then followed the '{' and ends with the sign '}' we can give any name of a class, while not the same as PHP functions owned. example, print class. print class name can not we use it, because the print is owned by a PHP function. We can load / define the property class and the method of the class among the "braces". variable $ this is a fictitious variable that is used to summon the properties or method of a class. The following examples will further clarify about the class in php
//kelas orang
class orang{
//Properties Class
var $nama;
var $umur;
var $tinggi;
var $berat;

function orang (){//Constructor
echo "Initialisation Object";

function get_nama(){
return $this->nama;
}//end class